Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winter Blahhhs

Have not posted in a while! We have been super busy. I joined a gym and Terrence found a Badminton club, so that's keeping us busy and tired! We have started to practice dance and song for our Festival in February (graduation). As expected, its an elaborate production, which is expected to be perfect, and puts a lot of pressure on the students and the teachers (remember....they are five). Terrence and my class are doing a song together, and Terrence and I are put of the song and dance together as a "boy-girl couple". It should be interesting. Our kids seem to get a good laugh out of it!

It has continued to be really cold here. Mostly below 10 degrees everyday, and it's that dry bitter cold, which I think is worse than the cold in New York. We have been bundling up and being lazier than usual. We are getting excited though, because our Wii will be on its way soon! Thanks Adam!


  1. Yea Wii!!! Terrence can finally practice the bowling his 5 year old nephew destroys him at! I bet his students would also whip him!!

  2. aw, don't waste your time in korea playing wii!!!

  3. Listen, its zero degrees here most of the time, and dry cold.... too cold to be outside sometimes!

  4. Wii coming soon! Those two extra games you bought for me as a service charge are great thanks!
