Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekend Adventures :)

Now that I have some free time I figured I would share about my experience this weekend. I had a a very eventful day on Saturday! I woke up early and went to Itaewon for a doctors appointment. I hailed my first taxi (ever) and the driver managed to get lost. I eventually made it there and was happy to meet about ten other English speaking Americans in the doctors office. Itaewon is the foreign district in Seoul, and the location of the U.S military base so it is a very English accessible place. I walked past an Outback Steakhouse, and many other American eateries. It started raining though, and my walk was cut short. I hopped back on the subway and went to Sangbong, which is the location of the CostCo here. It was pretty much the best place ever. My membership fee was line $30.00 for the year, and they had everything American you could imagine. I got some tortillas, cheddar cheese, salsa, cherry tomatoes, turkey breast, turkey burgers, salami, hot chocolate mix, craisins, and an industrial jar of Jiffy Extra Chunky Peanut Butter!! It was two floors, and you were able to take your cart on these huge escalators and it locked in as you rode up or down (pretty sweet). I then proceeded to walk back to the subway carrying way to many things in my Vera Bradley bag and arms. I probably pulled a back muscle but it was worth it!!

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